Eve Rig Slots

Rigs are like implants for your ship.They can be plugged into rig slots on your ship, giving you improvementson attributesof your shipthat tend to also come along with drawbacks that help balance out thebenefits. You can manufacture rigs using items that you havesalvaged from wrecks, along with the appropriate blueprint.

Hey guys I upgraded my skills to the point where I am able to put things in my rig slots. However I do not know what to put in them. I am in a venture so anything related to better mining is what i'm looking for. EVE Forums » EVE Technology and Research Center » Player Features and Ideas Discussion » Rigs that add a high, med or low slot to. Topic is locked indefinitely.

How to Fit a Rig to your Ship

A rig's information window will display the amount of calibration is required to fit the rig to your ship. Your ship's information window will tell you how many rig slots you have available and how much calibration capacity you have available. In the fitting window, just drag the rig to an open rig slot, and you will equip the rig. Rigs fit into rig slots, and, just like modules, each rig takes up one rig slot. Tech 1 ships have 3 rig slots, Tech 2 ships have 2, and a few ships (notably Freighters, Jump Freighters, Corvettes, and Shuttles) have none. Rigs come in four sizes: Small, for Frigates and Destroyers.

To fit a rig to your ship, you must have the Jury Rigging skilltrained to the required level,open rig slots, and sufficientcalibration capacity to fit the rig. Jury Rigging requires Mechanic to be trained to level 3.A rig's information window will displaythe amount of calibration is required to fit the rig to your ship.

Your ship's information windowwill tell you how many rig slots you have available and how much calibrationcapacity you have available.

In the fitting window, just dragthe rig to an open rig slot, and you will equip the rig.

Can I reuse rigs?

No; it is not possible to reuse rigs. Rigs get destroyed when you unplug themfrom your ship. In addition, if your ship is destroyed, your rigs willbe destroyed along with your ship.

What types of rigs are there?

The following section outlines the types of rigs available to fit to yourship.

Armor Rigs - The effects of armor rigs include increasing resistances, improving armor repairer performance,improving salvaging performance, and increasing armor hit points.Drawback: Armor rigs reduce your maximum velocity.

Shield Rigs improve shield performance in similar waysto armor rigs. Drawback: Shield Rigs increase your signatureradius.

Astronautic Rigs - There are astronautic rigs for increasingmaximum velocity, increasing cargohold, reducing afterburner and microwarpdrivecapacitor needs, increasing warp speed, increasing agility, increasingvelocity, and reducing warp needs. Drawback: Astronauticrigs reduce your armor hit points.

Drone Rigs - Drone rigs improve drone control range, durability, mining yield, repair amount, drone optimal range, dronemaximum velocity, drone damage, and stasis drone velocity decrease factor.Drawback: Drone rigs reduce CPU capacity.


Electronics Rigs - The effects of electronics rigs are improvements in ship scanners, analyzers,hacking, ECM, and electronic upgrades CPU needs.

Electronics Superiority Rigs improve remote sensor dampeners, targeting range, ECM jammers, sensor optimal range, scan speed,targeting speed, decloak targeting delay, and tracking disruptor effectiveness.Drawback: Electronics Superiority Rigs reduce shield hitpoints.

Energy Grid Rigs increase capacitor, powergrid, energy emission, and CPU.

Energy Weapon Rigs, Hybrid Weapon Rigs,Projectile Weapon Rigs improve turret performance, includingreducing CPU and capacitorneeds, increasing accuracy falloff range, increasingrate of fire, increasing damage, increasing optimal range, and increasingtracking speed. Drawback: These rigs increasethe powergrid needs of the weapons they improve.

Missile Launcher Rigs improve performance of missilelaunchers in similar ways as the above rigs. Drawback:Missile Launcher rigs increase missile launcher CPU needs.

How do I manufacture rigs?

Eve Online Rig Slots

There are rig blueprints available on the market. The bill of materialsfor manufacturing a rig consists of salvaged materials. Additionally, using a rig blueprint requires various skills,including skills for the specific rig type that you are manufacturing.

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