Gimp Hand Meaning Poker

Selection tools are designed to select regions from the active layer so you can work on them without affecting the unselected areas. Each tool has its own individual properties, but the selection tools also share a number of options and features in common. These common features are described here; the variations are explained in the following sections for each tool specifically. If you need help with what a selection is in GIMP, and how it works, see Selection.

Gimp Hand Meaning Poker Game

In hold'em, players receive two down cards as their personal hand (holecards), after which there is a round of betting. Three board cards are turned simultaneously (called the flop) and another.

  1. A big part of learning the game of poker is becoming acquainted with and knowing how to use special vocabulary associated with the game. Some poker terms and phrases are obvious in their meaning.
  2. GIMP can support 8 bits per channel, referred as eight-bit color. So, GIMP color depth is 8. 3 = 24, which allows 256. 256. 256 = 16,777,216 possible colors (8 bits allow 256 colors). A color model is a way of describing and specifying a color.
Gimp Hand Meaning Poker

There are seven selection tools:

  • the Rectangle Select;

  • the Ellipse Select;

  • the Free Select (the Lasso);

  • the Select Contiguous Regions (the Magic Wand) ;

  • the Select by Color;

  • the Select Shapes from Image (Intelligent Scissors) and

  • the Foreground Select.

In some ways the Path tool can also be thought of as a selection tool: any closed path can be converted into a selection. It also can do a great deal more, though, and does not share the same set of options with the other selection tools.

The behavior of selection tools is modified if you hold down the Ctrl, Shift, and/or Alt keys while you use them.


Advanced users find the modifier keys very valuable, but novice users often find them confusing. Fortunately, it is possible for most purposes to use the Mode buttons (described below) instead of modifier keys.


When creating a selection, holding down the Ctrl key can have two different actions according to the way you use it:

  • Holding down the key while drawing the selection toggles the Expand from center option.

  • If you hold down the Ctrl key before drawing a selection, this new selection switches to the Subtract mode. So, this new selection will be subtracted from an existing one as soon as you release the click, as far as they have common pixels.


Holding Alt will allow movement of the current selection (only its frame, not its content). If the whole image is moved instead of the selection only, try Shift+Alt. Note that the Alt key is sometimes intercepted by the windowing system (meaning that GIMP never knows that it was pressed), so this may not work for everybody.


When creating a selection, holding down the Shift key can have two different actions according to the way you use it:

Gimp Hand Meaning Poker Games

  • If you hold down the key before clicking to start the selection, this selection will be in Addition mode as long as you press the key.

  • If you hold down the Shift key after clicking to start the selection, the effect will depend on the tool you are using: for example, the selection will be a square with the Rectangle Select tool.


Using Ctrl+Shift together can do a variety of things, depending on which tool is used. Common to all selection tools is that the selection mode will be switched to intersection, so that after the operation is finished, the selection will consist of the intersection of the region traced out with the pre-existing selection. It is an exercise for the reader to play with the various combinations available when performing selections while holding Ctrl+Shift and releasing either both or either prior to releasing the mouse .

Key modifiers to move selections

Ctrl+Alt+ and Shift+Alt+ are used to move selections. See Section 2.1, “Moving a Selection”.

Space bar
Gimp hand meaning poker table

Pressing the Space bar while using a selection tool transforms this tool into the Navigation cross as long as you press the bar, allowing you to pan around the image instead of using the scroll-bars when your image is bigger than the canvas. This is the default option: in Preferences/Image Windows, you can toggle the Space bar to the Move tool.

Here we describe the tool options that apply to all selection tools: options that apply only to some tools, or that affect each tool differently, are described in the sections devoted to the individual tools. The current settings for these options can be seen in the Tool Options dialog, which you should always have visible when you are using tools. To make the interface consistent, the same options are presented for all selection tools, even though some of them don't have any effect for some of the tools.

Figure 14.8. Common options of selection tools


This determines the way that the selection you create is combined with any pre-existing selection. Note that the functions performed by these buttons can be duplicated using modifier keys, as described above. For the most part, advanced users use the modifier keys; novice users find the mode buttons easier.

Replace mode will cause any existing selection to be destroyed or replaced when the new selection is created.

Add mode will cause the new selection to be added to any existing selection regions.

Subtract mode will remove the new selection area from any existing selection regions.

Intersection mode will make a new selection from the area where the existing selection region and the new selection region overlap.


This option only affects some selection tools: it causes the boundary of the selection to be drawn more smoothly.

Feather Edges

This options allows the boundary of the selection to be blurred, so that points near the boundary are only partially selected. For further information regarding feathering, see the glossary entry Feathering.

When this option is checked, a Radius option appears. Default value is 10 pixels: higher image resolution, higher radius.

To limp in poker is to bet the absolute minimum needed to stay in a hand. Limping is often used when the little blind simply calls the big blind instead of raising. It's also known as limp in, flat call, or calling the blind.

An open limp is when the first player to enter the pot preflop bets only the amount of the big blind, the minimum bet. The under the gun position is one that is most likely to open limp to see how the rest of the table will be playing their hands.

Limping is considered to be weak and passive play and is seen more among beginning poker players rather than experienced players, who prefer to open with a raise if they have a hand they wish to play.


Small Blind Limp

An example of the small blind limp is being dealt 8-9 offsuit in the small blind. All of the players before you fold so only the big blind and you will be in the hand if you limp in. You place the minimum bet in hopes that the big blind will simply check and you'll be able to see a cheap flop.

By limping in from the small blind, you risk that the big blind will raise and you'll have to decide whether to match it to see the flop. However, it is a cheap investment as you've already had to bet half of the amount of the big blind if you had folded rather than limped in.

Gimp hand meaning poker table

Gimp Hand Meaning Poker Machine

If you have a strong starting hand when in the small blind, limping would be a weak or passive move. But if the big blind raises, you have the choice of reraising and sweetening the pot. However, that also signals that you have a strong hand, perhaps A-A.

Gimp Hand Meaning Poker Table

A small blind limp with a strong hand can be a tactic to use against an aggressive player in the big blind. You can anticipate that they will raise and then you have the opportunity to call them and see the flop or to re-raise.

Open Limp

An example of an open limp is that you are the player under the gun and have the first action preflop. The big blind minimum bet is $10, so you place that bet. The action then proceeds around the table and other players have the chance to call, raise, or fold. If everyone folds and the big blind checks, then there are just you two in the pot, plus the $5 from the small blind, who folded.

More often, in the above scenario, one of the other players will raise the bet. You then have the choice to fold, call, or reraise. If you aren't prepared to defend your hand and call the raise, you have wasted chips by limping in.

Gimp hand meaning poker games

From any position, limping in is considered to be a beginner's move and weak or passive play. But you might use it as a tactic if you are prepared to call any raise.

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