Jeremy Brown Poker

$350+$50 Almighty Stack NLH Re-Entry $1,000,000 Guaranteed Level 37: Blinds 600,000/1,200,000/200,000 ante Total Entries: 3,006 Players Remaining: 4 Average Stack: 75.2 million Jeremy Brown got his chips in holding and ran into Jon Borenstein’s. Jeremy flopped a King, but then Jon caught an Ace on the turn to take the pot. Prior to Crowder moving all-in, Jeremy Brown told him, “I will felt you if you move all-in.” Crowder shoved from the small blind with a scant 10-4 of spades and Brown called from the big blind with. Even though we have to say Olivier Busquet must have been playing a powerful poker at the heads up, to come up with such a victory! Iamaaron59: 16:25:23 GMT: Jeremy Brown is an idiot, a drunk idiot. He basically gave the tournament away. It was the most disgusting display of horrible poker ever, but entertaining as hell.

  1. Jeremy Brown Poker Drunk
  2. Jeremy Brown Poker Meltdown
  3. Jeremy Brown Poker
  4. Jeremy Brown Poker Player
  5. Jeremy Brown Poker

$3,300+$200 WPT Borgata Poker Open Championship NLH $3,000,000 Guaranteed Level 6: 250/500/75 ante Total Entries: 256 We arrive at the table on the river and the board reads. A player checks and Jeremy Brown bets 4,000 into a main pot of about 20,000. David Zemel calls from the button and the other player quickly. Brown shoved with pocket eights from middle position, but was met with Jeremy Brown’s A-K. In a classic race situation, the board ran out Q-10-7-J-6, giving Jeremy Brown a straight and sending.

Michael Friedman

The World Poker Tour Borgata Poker Open championship came to a conclusion as the final six players returned to the televised set to see which player would drag the first-place prize of $925,514. In the end, the day’s starting chip leader, Oliver Busquet, rallied to take the Poker Open title and the first-place cash after he beat Jeremy Brown heads up for the win.

Despite having a commanding chip lead going into the day’s play, it wasn’t an easy road for Busquet. After eliminating the day’s sixth finisher, Kenny “Super Tuan” Nguyen, Busquet’s day got a lot rougher as Brown eliminated the next three players as Keith Crowder hit the rail in fifth place, Yanick Brodeur in fourth and Ivan Mamuzic in third. They collected $188,216, $216,681 and $251,955 respectively for their play.

After taking out the majority of the remaining players, Brown found himself locked in a struggle with Busquet that saw the chip lead change a number of times as they battled down to a winner. Despite holding a 3-to-1 chip lead at the start of heads-up play and almost a 20-to-1 chip lead at one point, Brown simply could not withstand the aggressive play of Busquet who managed to nail several hands that enabled him to climb back from the dead.

In the end, it took 153 hands before a winner was declared. On the final hand, the action moved so fast that tournament reporters on the floor missed the action as both players moved all-in within several seconds of seeing a flop. Brown held for an open-ended straight draw while Busquet held for trip fours. The turn card brought the , giving Brown a straight and flush draw, but it was to no avail as a fell on the river giving Busquet the win.

Final Results:
1st : Olivier Busquet - $925,514
2nd: Jeremy Brown - $453,519
3rd: Ivan Mamuzic - $251,955
4th: Yanick Brodeur - $216,681
5th: Keith Crowder - $188,126
6th: Kenny Nguyen - $156,212

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    World Poker Tour

The six-handed final table of the World Poker Tour’s (WPT) Borgata Poker Open is set. Leading the way is Olivier Busquet, who holds 10.3 million chips. His stack is double that of the next closest competitor, Yanick Brodeur.

Michael Brown
was the final table bubble boy in the $3,500 buy-in tournament, falling in seventh place and earning $117,000. Brown shoved with pocket eights from middle position, but was met with Jeremy Brown’s A-K. In a classic race situation, the board ran out Q-10-7-J-6, giving Jeremy Brown a straight and sending Michael Brown to the rails. The former told WPT Live Updates Hostess Amanda Leatherman when play concluded, “I like to run my mouth a little bit. I try to get under their skin and see if I can get them on tilt a little bit.”

Michael Brown served as the executioner of Steve Brecher, who won the WPT’s Bay 101 Shooting Star event in March for $1 million. Brecher shoved with 9-4 after a flop of J-9-2, but Brown called and showed J-6 for top pair. The turn and river both came kings and Brecher was ousted from the Borgata Poker Open. He earned $39,000 for his efforts and missed out on his third WPT final table. Many longtime poker players remember Brecher’s sixth place finish during the Season II WPT Championship, which earned him $232,000.

Jeremy Brown Poker Drunk

The field became a little quieter when Maurice Hawkins departed in 13th place. Hawkins pushed pre-flop with A-Q for 50 big blinds, but ran into Busquet’s pocket aces. The board ran out five cards 10 or lower, providing no help to Hawkins, who banked $28,000 for his efforts. After the chips were counted to ensure that Hawkins was indeed eliminated, he exited the Borgata poker room. WPT coverage noted that Hawkins “rose to prominence in this tournament late in Day 3 as he took the chip lead and busted quite a few players in the process. He was lively at the table and very talkative, but it just wasn’t meant to be today.”

While Busquet’s aces held up, some players at the Borgata Poker Open were not as fortunate, including Jason Warriner, who saw his pocket rockets go down in flames against J-8. Warriner shoved on a board of 10-9-5-7 and Hawkins happily called, turning over the nuts. Warriner was drawing dead to the river and found himself on the outside looking in. He earned $12,000 for his 21st place showing.

Busquet helped his cause by cracking aces with A-K. The flop came A-10-4, leaving Busquet calling for a running Q-J, which promptly hit. Eric Blair was eliminated in eighth place in the hand, which boosted Busquet’s chip stack to 4.5 million, double his total entering it. The day began with 27 players taking to the felts. When the smoke cleared, just six remained:

Jeremy Brown Poker Meltdown

1. Olivier Busquet – 10,350,000
2. Yanick Brodeur – 5,780,000
3. Ivan Mamuzic – 5,655,000
4. Jeremy Brown – 5,480,000
5. Keith Crowder – 2,750,000
6. Kenny Nguyen – 600,000

Jeremy Brown Poker


The following prizes are up for grabs, including a $925,000 first place payday and a seat into the 2010 WPT Championship at the Bellagio in Las Vegas:

Jeremy Brown Poker Player

1st Place: $925,514
2nd Place: $453,519
3rd Place: $251,955
4th Place: $216,681
5th Place: $188,126
6th Place: $156,212

Jeremy Brown Poker

The action resumes at 4:00pm ET and is open to the general public. When play ended for the night on Wednesday, blinds were 60,000-120,000 with a 10,000 chip ante. The tournament will air as part of Season VIII of the WPT on Fox Sports Net.

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