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Chapter 25: Mexico

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Antonio Rodriguez was not a nice man. He did, after all, run a cartel. Successfully, in fact. Very successfully. There was nothing in the world he valued more than his profits, except for his son. Yes, he had been an accident, but even then he'd always wanted a son of some sort. Miguel was not the hardiest of children, but he supposed he could live with that, so long as his son kept at his schooling and followed in his footsteps. The boy had been taken from his mother as soon as Antonio had found out he was the father. No need for his son to be infected with some sort of misguided sentiment. Business was going so well, the foreign powers had approached him directly. That and the fact that he'd had their last couple of agents shipped back to them in coffins. They had decided the direct approach would work better and both MI6 and the CIA had decided to send ambassadors of sorts to work with him and each other. Joe Byrne and Ian Rider. Their real names. They were going by Joe Brown and Ian Reiter and he'd decide to try to look into them. Highly skilled, supposedly. He'd play nice for now, since they seemed to be. His sources had told him that Rider was bringing a kid of some sort, but not whether they were actually related or not. It was useful to know. Perhaps Miguel might have a playmate, for once. He didn't let anyone else near his son, but a kid that an agent carried around was bound to be at least somewhat useful. With any luck, this 'Alex' was made of sterner stuff than his son. He personally doubted that it was the kid's real name. Well, they would see. He could always have the lot of them shot if it didn't work out. In the meantime, well, he was intrigued. What could he say? Most agents wouldn't drag a kid around if their life depended on it.

Joe Byrne was wary. He knew full well he was expected to solidly secure an alliance with a shady drug dealer he'd much rather shoot in the head. They didn't pay him to have job preferences, though. Agent Ian Rider was also an unknown. Byrne had read the file, of course, but there were a lot of things a file didn't mention. He was waiting at the meeting point. Agent Rider was supposed to arrive this afternoon. He tapped the desk impatiently, waiting for the call that would indicate they had landed safely. Sure enough, the phone rang.

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Ladies International Poker Series - LIPS Tour has 2,944 members. Leading the way in women's poker! LIPS, the Largest Poker Tour in the World for Women!. You're such a teenager, Lexi, except when you're not. I miss you and your shady deals too, Grim. Alex sent back sarcastically. You still haven't grown out of your mouth, Mr. Almost mentally seventeen. I'm also physically ten, you ass. You're almost eleven. Oh goody, I now get a few more years until I'm fourteen. Your plotting is.

'Joe Brown.'

He was sure the man knew his real name and had his file memorized. There were appearances to be upheld, though.

'Ian Reiter.'

Joe Byrne was the deputy head of the CIA. Ian would find a way to get him to keep quiet about Alex. Ian had his file. Ian was building a blackmail file, just in case.

'How was the flight, Ian?'

Pleasantries. Joe was impatient, but he knew better than to let it show.

'Good. I hope yours was as well. I should be there in half an hour.'

Joe hung up, without a goodbye. Ian wasn't surprised. The Americans had a reputation for being brief and having no sense of humor. 'Who was that?' Ian looked casual, but there was an underlying tension in his shoulders that Alex didn't recognize.

'My American partner for this business negotiation.' The English had a German accent.

Alex's reply did as well. 'Is he nice?'

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Ian raised an eyebrow. 'We shall see.'

Alex had hastily memorized his new identity details as part of his 'extracurricular' work. Ian had seemed vaguely impressed with the speed. The car trip was a thorough quiz on every single detail he was supposed to know. In German and English. Ian even threw in a few questions in languages he wasn't supposed to know. Alex made sure to stare blankly. After a while, his uncle seemed satisfied.

'Good job, Alex.' Alex felt a faint glow of pride.

Ian opened the door to the apartment he would be sharing with Byrne for the next few days. Luckily, it just happened to have a third bedroom. Byrne walked up, took one look at Alex His eyes widened and he shut the door behind them.

'What. The. Fuck. He's a fucking kid!' Alex could barely hold back a chuckle.

'Alex, go to the third bedroom on the right and unpack.' Alex disappeared into the room to unpack.

'First of all, I understand German, you limey bastard! Second of all, nobody mentioned there was a kid! Don't you have nannies in England?!' Alex was shaking with silent laughter as he finished unpacking and texted Cossack while waiting until Ian called him back out.

It was almost too good. Alex was well over the fact that agents would be outright offended at his age.

The argument continued. 'You should at least let him know what is going on!'

Ian sighed (the walls were very thin). 'Alex, come out now'.

'So, uh, we're here to-'

Alex finished his uncle's sentence. 'Negotiate with a drug dealer. I picked the lock on your briefcase and read your files on the plane after you went to sleep. You should really get a new lock for that thing, maybe biometric this time?'

Ian snorted. 'It wouldn't stop you, would it?'

Alex shrugged at Byrne's stare. 'Not really, but unauthorized blood samples are harder to get.'

Ian grinned. 'See, he can take care of himself.'

Alex rolled his eyes and muttered. 'I wouldn't go that far.'

Byrne just continued staring. 'You- You-'

Alex sighed. 'Deep breathe. Complete sentences, yes?'

To his surprise, the man just sighed. 'You're insufferable.'

Alex grinned. 'I thought you Americans invented insufferable.'

Byrne seemed to relax at that. 'No, it was definitely some German brat or the Russians.'

Alex's lips twitched. 'I heard you Americans blame them for everything.'

Byrne shoots Ian an indigent look. 'What kind of crock have you been teaching this kid?'

Ian's eyes dance with mirth. 'The accurate kind.'

Byrne snorts. 'Bullshit. If I was younger and not at my current rank, I'd fight you.'

Alex snorts into his cereal, which he was currently eating for dinner/lunch. Joe seemed livelier, at least. Not as old, not as defeated, and probably not weirded out by a fourteen-year-old agent. The CIA man hovered for a few more minutes before shrugging and sitting down next to Alex with his own bowl of cereal. They were quickly joined by Ian. A question seems to occur to Byrne.

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'We're not taking him are we?'

Ian looked outraged at the thought. 'Absolutely not. Alex?'

Alex did his best to the eye roll to himself. 'I'll be in my room, not attracting trouble, and doing my assigned work.'

Ian looked satisfied, so he kept his mouth shut. Alex decided it was time for a nap.

The two adults watched the kid disappear into his room before talking further.

'I know better than to ask, but I thought taking your kid to work was against MI6 policy.'

Ian shrugged. 'Probably. I didn't actually check, you know.'

Byrne was concealing his urge to strangle the man for bringing the poor adorable ten?-year-old into this.

'What if we die? What if he gets kidnapped?'

Ian sighed. 'Alex could get out of here. As for kidnapping, I dare them.'

Byrne saw something in the guy's eyes that made him not want to argue too hard about this. 'Ok, shouldn't he be in school?'

Ian gave Byrne the evil eye. 'Not that it's any of your business, but I'm homeschooling him.'

Byrne decided it was better for his mental and physical health to focus on the mission. 'How old is he anyway?

Rider sighed. 'Almost eleven. Can you focus on your actual job now?'

Byrne huffed but got on with it. At least negotiation was Ian Rider's specialty. That was about the only positive thought Joe had about the man. Who the hell brought anyone they actually cared about into this? Everybody knew not to. Kids weren't allowed on missions for a reason. They were clearly related. Byrne wasn't sure how. He rechecked his file. Nephew, right, that was probably it. The thing was the file clearly said the nephew was left in England for missions. What changed? Byrne made a mental note to update the file. Ian unpacked later on in the evening. He'd brought out dye for him and Alex. The stuff smelled absolutely horrendous, but it was effective. They both had temporarily dark brown hair (his natural shade was lighter). Alex had taken surprisingly little convincing. Normally, he was more reluctant to do anything involving changing his hair color. Byrne had raised an eyebrow at his colleague's obvious paranoia but hadn't said anything. The next thing he got out was Alex's textbooks.

He flicked open the ones on Dari and Pashto. 'Start with these. We'll be doing small sentences by the end of the week.' Alex groaned. A completely new alphabet awaited him.

Tulip Jones watched the airport footage. And re-watched the airport footage. Then she cursed Ian Rider to the ninth circle of hell he belonged in. Crawley just watched her and waited.

'What could he have been thinking?'

Crawley shrugged. He wondered why she thought he knew. 'I have absolute faith in Agent Rider's judgment ma'am.'

Jones glared at him. 'I don't want the party line, Crawley. I want answers.' Crawley mentally withheld a sigh.

Blunt arrived in the office a minute later. 'Alan, what is going on?'

Blunt didn't react. 'It seems Agent Rider decided to violate agency policy and bring his nephew on the mission.'

Jones looked furious. 'We created that policy specifically because Alex was almost kidnapped! What if he dies? What if Alex dies? He's ten, Alan!'

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Blunt didn't react. 'Alex Rider has proven to have extraordinary luck already. We can only hope the combined skills of Joe Byrne and Agent Rider are up for the job. Besides, I'm sure the trip will be educational for young Alex. Homeschooling, isn't it?'

Jones resisted the urge to hiss. It was undignified. 'That doesn't answer my question.'

Blunt shrugged. 'I'm sure the SAS is more than up for a little rescue mission if something goes horribly wrong.'

Jones sighed. 'That isn't very reassuring, Alan.'

Blunt didn't visibly react. 'I'm not paid to be reassuring.'

With that, he exited. Crawley wondered how that man passed the diplomacy requirement sometimes. He didn't dare ask, but he thought blackmail might have something to do with it. Maybe Jones would indulge him? 'How did he pass the diplomacy requirement?'

Jones snorted. 'Nobody knows, but he is the first and only person to ever receive full credit for the class.'

Crawley grinned. 'You think we could find out? Say, whoever gets it first buys lunch?'

Jones raised an eyebrow. 'Buys lunch for the week.'

Crawley smirked. She must really be irritated. 'Deal.'

Alex was stuck in the apartment a lot. He occasionally went out but needed to study for the most part. The day was particularly hot when he glared at the textbook. The written components of both languages looked like incomprehensible squiggles. He threw the book at the wall just as Byrne walked in (thankfully without Ian). 'Textbook abuse!' Alex picked up his other textbook and nailed Byrne in the shoulder. 'Dude, really?'

Alex shrugged. 'I'm hot and grumpy and it looks like a bunch of indistinguishable squiggles.'

Byrne picked up the books. 'Pashto and Dari, huh? I'd have chucked the books in the first hour at your age, kid. Want some help?'

Alex wasn't even surprised the man knew the languages. 'Won't it, like, blow your cover?'

Byrne smirked. 'Wanna know a secret, kid?' Alex shrugged. This was better than what he had been doing. 'Nobody but the civies and the lower-levels are buying our cover. The dealer knows who we are and we all have files on each other.'

Alex thought that was rather elaborate. 'Why bother, then?'

Byrne shrugged. 'Lower-levels remember. Also, keeps Interpol off everybody's asses if things go south.'

Byrne put the books on the table. 'Let's go for a walk, kid. You can probably afford a break. I'll help you after.'

He'd mentored plenty of unrulier, surlier, former drunkards into respectable members of the intelligence community. How hard could one kid possibly be? The kid was surprisingly quiet. Byrne still wasn't sure English was his first language. The accent was really good. The two walked for a while, not saying anything. Joe wasn't too worried. After all, what did an old American man and one maybe-British kid have in common? At least he kept up. Hey, it was better shape than some of the people he'd had to work with, back in the early days of the CIA. If the kid was a little older, he might have even gone for a recruitment spiel. As it was, well it felt a bit like cradle-robbing - literally. Not that Byrne had stolen babies personally. That was the height of what was reserved for sicko-land.

Alex (if that was his real name) froze for a second. 'Duck, now!'

Byrne hit the deck on instinct with the kid (better safe than sorry). The shots rang out in the square. The kid looked furious (but still kept the accent).

'One fucking trip without gunshots! One! That's all I ever asked for!' Byrne flinched as the kid drew a gun.

'Easy, kid.' Alex fired in the general direction of the shots. He was frustrated. Byrne looked torn between concern and shock. 'Return fire! Are you kidding me?!'

Alex rolled his eyes. 'You didn't think Ian dragged around just any kid, did you? Are you helping or not?!'

Byrne decided his questions could wait and drew his own firearm. The shots came from a third? Fourth? Direction. The newer gunman systematically shot their enemies. Alex turned to thank him. It was Ian. Well, shit. Ian sent the most scorching look in his repertoire to Joe Byrne. 'The only reason you two aren't dead right now is that our darling drug dealer warned me of an attack by his rivals. Next time, we all go out together or not at all.' Alex sighed. At least he wasn't injured. On second thought… His leg began throbbing on the way back to the apartment. He checked his leg just to be sure. Oh, joy. A jagged rusty piece of metal that had thankfully missed everything critical. His tetanus was up to date and recent because of his last unfortunate injury. 'Scheisse!'

Ian shot him a look. 'Language!'

Alex gave him his most innocent look. 'But I'm injured!'

Ian sighed and looked at his leg. 'Scheisse!'

Byrne shot him an amused look. 'Gee, I wonder where he learned that one.'

Ian shot him a venomous look. 'Shut up and get the first aid kit.'

Byrne walked off. 'At least you've had a tetanus booster recently. That would've been a pain to get.'

Alex sighed. 'Lucky me.'

Ian gave him a wry look. 'Least I got you off the French swears.'

Alex snorted. 'Gee, wonder where I learned all those.' Ian cuffed him.

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Byrne chuckled to himself as he watched the pair from the corner. He'd first doubted the man actually cared for the boy, but now…the care was mutual. It was one of the few times he saw any kind of affection in the field involving an agent. It was actually kind of sweet. This was a good time as any to walk in with the first-aid kit. Rider took and began to systematically treat the kid's leg. 'How'd the negotiations go?'

Ian was back to being expressionless. 'Well. We should be done in a few days. For some reason, the man was remarkably amenable.'

Byrne felt a stab of alarm. 'You think this was a test?'

Ian had pulled the piece of metal out and was now sterilizing the wound. 'Could be. I don't think we'll know for sure. At any rate, we'll be done in a few days and have enough time for a vacation of sorts.'

Ian looked down at Alex as he began the stitches. 'No running with this, yeah?'

Alex sighed. Bloody wonderful. 'Sure.'

Byrne shots him an almost pitying look. Ian heads back out. 'Where are you going?'

Ian sighed. 'Restocking the kit, Alex.' As much as it hurt, Ian knew he couldn't act like he cared with Byrne around. Ian didn't trust him that much. He sent Alex a silent look that begged him to understand when Byrne turned around to go to the kitchen. Alex sighed at his uncle's look, but he knew what the man was trying to convey. Honestly, he knew where Ian was coming from, but as far as he knew Joe was alright. Then again, Alex wouldn't trust him that much either. With his life, yes. With his secrets? Not so much. The man was or would be deputy director of the CIA for a reason. He zoned out for a few minutes. Joe (unbeknownst to Alex) was staring at him from the kitchen.

Directors of intelligence agencies aren't girl scouts. Yes, thank you, Yassen, also Deputy Director. Grouchy today, aren't we? I just got a bloody piece of metal pulled from my leg, Death. Aww, poor baby Alex. I will murder you. I'd like to see you try, Lexi. It would be fun, for me at least. You? Not so much. Is everyone better than me at fighting? There might be a few nine-year-olds you could beat up. Sorry, short stack. You're better than them at conning, though. Such a wonderful, comforting thought. I'm sure I'll sleep fantastic. Death gave the mental equivalent of a snort. Oh, but Death is a cold comfort, not a warm fluffy one, dearest. Everyone knows that. Alex gave him a mental eye roll. You're such a teenager, Lexi, except when you're not. I miss you and your shady deals too, Grim. Alex sent back sarcastically. Tech, tech. You still haven't grown out of your mouth, Mr. almost mentally seventeen. I'm also physically ten, you ass. You're almost eleven. Oh goody, I now get a few more years until I'm fourteen. Your plotting is improving. It needed to. Alex Rider from before didn't make the cut. Hold on to that thought. Now, I have paperwork to get back to, since you aren't dying. Try not to die, pestilence. Screw you, Grim. Joe Byrne dropped a blanket on him and handed him a cup of tea. Alex made the mistake of taking a sip without checking it first and barely kept from spitting it out. 'This tea is terrible, Mr. Brown.'

The man just snorted. 'And you're back. I was wondering. For the love of God, call me Joe. We've been shot at together.'

Alex couldn't resist the bait. 'Yes, Joe, it's just a wonderful bonding opportunity. We should definitely do it again.'

Joe kept his face in a deadpan. 'Well, in that case, I know a few poor districts of Mexico we should visit, especially the areas where tourists are told not to go.'

Alex played along. 'Oh, but Joe, think of the paperwork.'

The man felt his lips twitch. 'The horror. I don't know how I would go on without it.'

Alex grinned. 'Yeah, especially for toilet paper.' Joe actually laughed. The director would murder him.

Long after the tea went cold, Ian Rider was still not back. Joe was actually kind of angry at the man's obvious lack of child raising skills. It was made even worse when he'd found Alex making them dinner (He'd decided to shower since Mexican streets weren't the cleanest). 'You can cook?' Alex shrugged.

'Can't everybody?'

Joe sighed. 'I wish. You wouldn't believe how many people I've met who would need help boiling water.'

Alex shook his head. 'Stupid. It's a basic life skill.'

Byrne decided it wasn't his business, but… He wouldn't be surprised if whatever social services Britain had ended up finding something amiss in that house of theirs. Byrne couldn't really do anything without causing an international incident. He was left feeling entirely uncomfortable with the situation, but unable to do anything about it. 'So what are you doing with your Pashto and Dari lessons?' That was something he could help with, at least. He hated feeling this powerless.

'The beginning really, I just started this week.'

Joe shrugged and picked up the books. 'It probably hasn't changed much from back when I learned the languages. First things first, I had a few tricks to learn the alphabets…'

Alex felt a lot less frustrated when he went to sleep that night. Joe was actually decent at teaching and more patient than Ian or Yassen if Alex was being honest. He wondered why he was thinking about Yassen so much today. It might have something to do with the fact that Yassen had informed him of Rothman's 'unfortunate' death because of 'unknown assassins'. He also spent a bit of time sky-watching. He missed Fenrir and Jack. Wondering what those two were up to had been a constant at the back of his mind and did not help his irritability at all. He watched the stars, since there was less light pollution in this area, compared with London, anyway. Alex sighed as he drummed his fingers on the windowsill and decided he should probably go to bed now.

Jack Starbright was faced with an empty house. Well, not really empty. She had Tom, Jerry, and a sulky dog to deal with. Seriously, anyone who doubted animals had feelings was welcome to come to their house and try to cheer up Alex's monstrosity. She didn't even know dogs could sulk that much. It had also taken to sleeping in her room at night, which was kind of funny. Jack sighed as she warmed up the meat in the microwave for the massive fur ball. 'Alex better be grateful. I went to a shady shop in a shady part of town to get food for his shadily acquired dog.' The wolf let out a little whine as Alex was mentioned. Jack sighed. 'I miss him too, mutant.' The wolf followed her around now.

Jerry rolled his eyes. 'Honestly, it's like having a little kid.'

Jack snorted. 'I wouldn't say that.'

Tom grinned. 'But then you and Alex would be the parents.'

Jack laughed. 'Eww. I've been raising him since he was seven.'

Tom shrugged. 'Fourteen years isn't that much difference. Besides you're pretty.'

Jack just gagged and laughed at the mental image. Alex was like her little brother. A tiny trouble magnet to look after. Besides, between both of their genes, she highly doubted they'd ever have a moments' peace. It was just as bad as anybody thinking about her and Ian as a couple. Their age difference was much wider than people would assume, as well. Plus, she usually liked younger men, though she'd dated a few older ones. At any rate, the dog and Tom were shooting her pitiable looks as she made dinner. 'It's not that long, guys. And no, Fenrir, Alex is the only one who feeds you table scraps.' The dog gave her one last puppy-eyed look before settling on the couch. Jack saw Tom slip the mutt a few bites when he thought she wasn't looking.

Yassen Gregorovich was pleased with the way events had turned out. Julia Rothman had been surprisingly easy to take out. Then again, she'd always been extremely overconfident. Nile was now being fought over by certain members of the executive board. Yassen figured he was smart enough to stay out of their squabbles and live with whomever he got stuck with (cough, had the honor of serving, cough). Oh well, it was not his concern. Three had summoned him to his office at his earliest convenience, which really meat whenever he got back to Malagosto. He figured he was useful enough not to execute, so was not very concerned about the meeting. He walked across the island with his usual grace. The students instinctively stayed out of his way. Nile was there, to his mild surprise. The man hovered nervously toward him. 'Yes?'

Nile sighed. 'You're about as approachable as a glacier, you know that right?'

Yassen raised an eyebrow. 'I am not paid for my approachability, Nile.'

Nile flinched ever so slightly. 'Do you think I'm about to be executed?'

Yassen shrugged. 'Normally, yes. However, you are skilled and loyal to the organization, rather than individuals in it. This should be enough to spare you this time. It is fortunate that you were sent away by the board during the assassination, or you would be a suspect and summarily shot as either disloyal or incompetent.'

Nile relaxed a bit. 'You're seeing Three, too?'

Yassen shrugged. 'Yes, most likely our next assignments.' Nile was about as relaxed as he ever got, now. Gregorovich tended to have a sixth sense for the moods of the board. Probably because he had a lot in common with them, albeit mostly Three. Plus, they would normally have sent him as a sniper (his specialty), if it was Cossack who would be his executioner. They both knocked on the good doctor's door and were promptly told to enter.

Four members of the executive board were inside. Cossack refrained from reacting, but Nile tensed ever so slightly. It was odd to have so many in the same place, but Yassen knew better than to ask questions or comment. Mikato, Three, Kurst, Chase - it was an interesting combination. Yassen knew better than to speak, as did Nile. The look Kurst was giving him was appraising, not that Yassen was unused to such looks. 'Cossack you've done competently for all of your previous assignments. We have something special planned for you and Nile.'

Joy. More executive board members were taking an interest. He'd almost made it to retirement. 'Yes, sir.'

Kurst was expressionless as ever. 'A pity about Rothman.' Cossack knew better than to react to the obvious bait. The man stepped toward him. It took most of what he had to remain motionless. The board all loved their mind games, but he refused to play. Yassen was an assassin, and very adamant on that particular. Nile glanced at the man. He was vaguely impressed, most people would have run away screaming right about now. Then again, Cossack was not most people. 'We've been having issues with a client request in the States. Finish it. Your usual pay, I presume?'

Yassen shrugged. 'That will be fine.' His eyes freezing over. Finish the assignment and the client, apparently, some people were pissed off. Nile wondered why they were being paired. 'Cossack, we have a few things to discuss in private with Nile.' Yassen left. That was what passed for a dismissal.

Three took up the thread next. 'Nile, in light of your skill, absence at the time of death, and continued loyalty to SCORPIA, the board voted to spare you. You will be serving Mikato and Chase jointly until further notice.' Nile was never gladder in his (short) life that Gregorovich was creepily right. He was sure his relief showed, but only to this lot. Three paused. 'You are also well known for your agreeability and persuasiveness.'

Oh, no. They did know most of it was blackmail, right? 'Do try to persuade dear Cossack to take an apprentice. He seems most reluctant, but we have a vested interest in the next generation, you know?' Well, fuck. He was supposed to charm the guy who was literally the embodiment of a glacier. A homicidal glacier. Maybe the one that sunk the Titanic and killed people. 'I'll do my best, sir.'

Three gave a slightly indulgent smile. 'I know. Dismissed.' Nile left as quickly as possible.

Three turned to Chase and Mikato. 'You two are satisfied I trust?'

Chase let off a faint aura of smugness. 'Quite. Rothman was Yassen's work?'

The doctor smirked. 'I neither confirm nor deny such things.' Mikato barely resisted a snort.

Chase grinned. 'In other words, you gave him the blueprints. No need to be shy, doctor.' The temporary alliance of the four men allowed for some small measure of affability. None of them would accept food from the other, but it was more relaxed than a formal board meeting. 'None of us liked Rothman anyway, too many parties, that one.'

The doctor shrugged. Mikato decided to interject. 'It hardly matters now.' Chase's talkativeness was not helpful in this situation. 'I have business to attend to. Good afternoon, gentlemen.' They were anything but. No one wanted to provoke someone for something as silly as lack of manners. Mikato exited.

Chase decided to continue for what passed as small talk in a group of high-ranking criminals. 'Yassen's always done great work. Pity he hasn't got the psych profile for a second in command.' Kurst barely kept from rolling his eyes. Seriously, Chase just had to bring up the obvious. At least, he wasn't unstable, like Kroll. 'You think we could use him to take out a few more?' Three gave him a look that was both assessing and threatening.

'Don't go biting off more than you can chew, Brendan.'

Chase knew a warning when he heard one. He considered the alliance and Yu the 'smart ones' on the executive board. 'I'm heading out. I have to cover a situation in Africa.' Chase left.

Kurst turned to Three after the door shut. 'You know, Gregorovich's temperament is hardly suited to an apprentice, Doctor.'

The doctor shrugged. 'I'm sure there is at least one person, or rather a child, whom he could tolerate somewhere in the world. Just think of the possibilities, Zeljan.'

Alex Rider hated being injured. He was also attempting to focus on his language lessons. Death, is there some sort of voodoo you can do to speed this up? I don't think you would like the consequences. Like what? Ending up dissected in a DARPA lab. Fair point. There are a few people who work on highly experimental and very painful medicine outside government supervision. The possible side-effects include psychosis, mood swings, hallucinations, extreme pain, and some wacky hormones. On second thought, I'll take my normal healing rate. Good choice, short-stack. Slam! Byrne was back early. 'You know, I'm sure Ian would forgive you if you took a day off.'

Alex sighed. 'It's been almost a month since school let out, Byrne. That's what's called slacking off.'

Byrne shrugged. 'Just don't go psychotic on us.'

Alex rolled his eyes and snapped his book shut. 'You know, people literally have no control over their sanity, right? Besides, if all it took to stop people from going insane was to tell them not to, shrinks would be out of a job.'

Byrne chuckled awkwardly. 'Yeah, I guess.' Alex looked at Byrne. Byrne repressed a shiver as he was inadvertently reminded of Alan Blunt.

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'Joe, what aren't you telling me?' Slam! Ian was back.

'He wants to see you.'

Alex sighed. 'Context, Ian. I assume in this case, you mean Druggie McCrimelord.' Byrne sniggered.

Ian looked harried. 'Yes, but for the love of god don't call him that to his face.'

Alex flashed Ian his most innocent look. 'What's his name again?'

Ian rolled his eyes. 'Antonio Rodriguez and his son Miguel. Please behave, Alex, please.'

Alex sighed. Ian was really good at guilt-trips. 'I'll do my best. You know how I am about bullies, though.'

Ian groaned. Joe sent him a pitying look. 'Look, kid. Sometimes-'

Alex's eyes flashed dangerously. 'No. If I see something, I do something, Joe.' With that Alex left to grab a few more weapons. Ian glanced at Joe.

'At least he has principles.'

Ian sent him a furious glare. 'A lot of good that will do if it gets him shot.'

The ride to the drug dealer's place was quiet and tense. Alex was fairly sure this move was more to poke at Ian, rather than an interest in him. It paid to be careful, though. Plus, drug dealers had enemies and rivals. They could attack at any time. Needless to say, he was on high alert. They arrived and the corridor seemed bare. Alex noted the snipers on the roof. Paranoid, at least. Hopefully, there wouldn't be trouble. The house seemed to be in the style of the ancient Greek villas he'd visited. The columns were smooth and white. The inside of the house had tons of columns. Lovely, he'd have to worry about spies behind each one. Alex's first impression on Antonio Rodriguez was a man that was straightforward, at the very least. Violent when he had to be. At least the man didn't seem terribly sadistic, from what he'd read. Alex wasn't going to speak first. Antonio spent a few minutes giving Alex what he was sure was supposed to be an intimidating look. After Yassen and a whole bunch of egomaniacal, insane SCORPIA goons, it just sort of vaguely amused him. 'You must be Alex.'

Alex tried very hard to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. 'Sure, so nice to meet one of Ian's work partners.' Ian's elbow landed on his kidney. Alex didn't wince.

Antonio seemed more amused. 'At least you have a spine. Perhaps it will rub off on my son when you meet him.' Oh, goody. Another Paul Drevin. He so looked forward to trying to avoid flashbacks. 'Miguel. Your new playmate.'

The boy seemed faintly suspicious as he stepped out from one of the columns. Alex applauded him, under the circumstances. 'And how long is this one staying?'

Antonio waved his hand. 'A few days, give or take.' Ian's poker face was excellent, but Alex could tell he was worried. He was sure he'd sleep wonderfully too. Alex decided not to push the guy. His studies could wait a few days. 'Run along, you two. Play nicely.'

Miguel hovered near him. 'So, how old are you?'

Miguel looked relieved. 'Fourteen.'

Alex shrugged. 'I'll be eleven in a few weeks. Do you want to do anything in particular?'

Miguel shook his head. 'Can we go for a walk, then? I'm rather fond of the outdoors.'

Miguel shrugged. 'Sure. The guards will watch us, but we'll be fine as long as we don't leave the property.'

Alex grinned. 'Race you to the door?'

The boy smiled. 'You're on!'

Playing at being his age wasn't that hard. It was a nice break. Alex admired the cacti, particularly the poisonous ones in bloom. They were actually very pretty. 'You queer or something?'

Alex laughed. 'No. Why?'

Miguel shrugged. 'One of the guards told me once that only queers and women like flowers.'

Alex smirked. 'You know, you can actually eat this one, once you cook it. It tastes sweet.' Alex had studied both edible and inedible plants. It was true.


Alex held back his snort. 'Yep. Not girly anymore are they?'

Miguel shrugged. 'I suppose not.' A small pause. 'You think we could get the cooks to make it?'

Alex raised an eyebrow. 'They're your cooks. You tell me.'

Miguel smirked. 'Let's go then.' As it turns out, the cook was a sweet old lady who was only too happy to indulge unusual requests. She also seemed fascinated by Alex's hair.

'It's so straight and soft. Do you use conditioner?' Alex groaned mentally while Miguel silently laughed behind her back.

'No, ma'am. It's naturally like that.' The next statement really set him off. 'You're lucky to have such pretty hair.'

Alex desperately tried not to blush and insist he was handsome. 'Thank you, ma'am.' Miguel almost fell out of his chair. 'And so polite too.' She continued. Alex made a point of being nice to people who made his food. 'You'll definitely attract plenty of women.' Alex decided to gently cut her off as he turned ever so slightly red.

'Thank you, ma'am, we'll let you get back to your work.'

He grabbed Miguel and dragged him out. 'Come back anytime, dearies.'

Miguel was still sniggering occasionally by dinnertime. At least he had the layout of the estate. Just in case. 'Sure you don't want any flowers, pretty boy?'

Alex rolled his eyes. 'Shut up, you.'

Miguel just grinned. Alex was reminded of Tom, for a minute. 'I like you, you know, you're better than the others.'

Alex looked at him. 'What do you mean?'

Miguel shrugged. 'The other kids dad brought over. They're all jealous, weirded out, or scared shitless. Nobody I could ever joke with, you know.'

Alex shrugged. 'You know we just met, right?' Rich and powerful didn't faze him in the slightest. Besides, he'd met richer and more powerful people than a drug lord.

Miguel was giving him an intense look. 'Yeah, but you're perfect.'

Alex tried to lighten the situation. 'Not really. I mean, I'm kind of slacking off on my homeschooling right now.'

Miguel was still eyeing him. Possessively? 'No, you really are. I might ask to keep you.'

Alex raised an eyebrow. 'I have a life already. In Germany.' He figured with the creepy stalker vibes he was getting, telling him a fake country was a good idea.

'You could have a life here.' Alex chose not to respond to that. Mini-psychos tended not to take rejection well. Miguel switched back to light-hearted like what just happened was nothing. 'Well, dinnertime!' Jesus. He hoped daddy dearest was able to deny his son. Ian was not going to be happy. Plus, it might cause a diplomatic incident. Was he radiating a magic pheromone? Did he have some sort of allure? Why was it always the creeps? Well, Lexi. You might just be the first nice person he met. And now he wants to keep me. Like a piece of property. He could just have latent homosexual tendencies and may have inherited his father's propensity for obsession, too. Fuck's sake, Grim. He could just want a life companion. Because that's so reassuring. Go to dinner, Alex.

Alex sat down at the table with Ian, Joe, Antonio, and Miguel. Well, this seemed like a good start. 'So, Alex what is it you do for fun?'

Alex thought of Fenrir, Tara, and Yassen. 'The usual stuff, I guess. Sports, walks, the occasional hobby.' Alex kept it concise.

'I heard you liked plants.' Fucking creep probably had the place bugged.

'Oh, yes. Interesting stuff. You wouldn't believe how many plants you can eat that people don't.'

Antonio's eyes glinted. 'Such a fascinating hobby. And poisons Alex?'

Alex shrugged. 'Of course. You can't go through a plant book without finding the toxicity warnings. Just the theory, yes?' He'd made sure to keep up his accent. Antonio let it go after that. The cactus was as sweet as it was described in the book he'd read. The dinner ended without incident. Joe and Ian kept up the small talk. Miguel occasionally cut in, but Alex kept quiet. He really didn't have much to say. Plus, he was still creeped out by their conversation earlier. Alex sighed as dessert came in.

Miguel was back to eyeing him creepily. 'Can we have a sleepover?' Just wonderful.

Antonio shrugged. 'Sure. I trust there will be no trouble?'

Looks at Ian. 'Fine by me. Behave, Alex.'

Alex smiled charmingly. 'Don't I always?'

Ian actually laughed. 'Don't get me started, Alex. Your pranks, dear god.'

Byrne groaned. 'But I wanna hear the stories.'

Ian shrugged. 'I'll tell you later.' They left. Alex was alone, with a drug dealer and his maybe-obsessed son.

The drug dealer looked at him. 'I knew you couldn't be boring. To get my son's attention. Why are you armed, Alex?' It took everything Alex had not to draw and shoot. Not an immediate threat, he repeated over and over in his head. Antonio's expression softened. 'Are you in trouble?' Alex was barely breathing.

'Not many children are armed in my neighborhood, you know. The others, yes. I don't use child assassins or mules.'

Alex sighed. 'I'm not an assassin. I was never an assassin.'

Antonio sighed. 'Do you want help?'

Alex started. 'Not the kind anyone can give.'

The man was intrigued. 'What do you really seek?'

Alex spoke before he finished thinking. 'Knowledge. Power. The ability to be free and not a pawn.'

Antonio opened the cabinet. 'Miguel, leave. I want to talk to Alex alone.'


Miguel looked a little shell-shocked. 'Yes, father.'

Antonio offered him a drink. 'If you have the wants of a man, you can drink like one.' The man sat across from him. 'You and I, we are not so different. I would offer you a job, but I do not think you would take it. Instead, I will offer you my alliance.'

Alex was rather shocked. 'Why?'

Antonio shrugs. 'I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your CIA and MI6 already offered an alliance. I have a feeling you are a more loyal friend, in any case.'

Alex shrugs. 'True. I'd help if you were in trouble. You're the first person who's ever taken me seriously. Why do this, though? You know, in the end, neither side will take me.'

Antonio looked at him. 'I was slightly older than you when I left home to find myself. Instead, I found a neighborhood. I found people on puppet strings. The drugs, the dealers, and the CIA behind it all. I was not strong enough to fight it. In truth, I want it all torn down. I have a feeling that, in time, you will help. Help me fight the corruption of the agencies and I will help you with whatever you want. Promise me, that when the time comes, you will come here and help me remove the drug dealers and the CIA. Help me burn the world down and build something better.'

Alex barely kept his mouth from dropping open. Well, their goals were the same, sort of. Corrupt, drug-dealing CIA agents. He hoped Joe wouldn't miss 'em. 'Yes.' It was a cause he believed in.

'Do you have a phone, for emergencies?

Alex gave him the phone Tara had given him. Antonio began entering numbers. 'What are all those?'

The man finished a few minutes later. 'My people. You can use them as you will. I will handle the payment'.

'Why are you doing this? Not that I'm not grateful, but an alliance is one thing, giving me the keys to the kingdom is quite another.'

Antonio shrugged. 'My son will get my money, but in truth, he would not and could not handle my people well. You, on the other hand, can. Frankly, I'm hoping this all doesn't blow up in my face, as the Americans like to say.'

Alex shrugged. It was his choice and now he had semi-trustworthy people he could call for emergencies. 'I have people on both sides I'm going to protect.'

The man snorted. 'I know. Do you think there is anything I would not do for my son, alliance or no alliance?'

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Alex shrugged. 'Fair enough.' Alex was surprised this was going so well. There weren't even nukes involved yet. He figured this guy was like the Mexican Sarov. Good-ish intentions and no outlet. The only reason he hadn't done something crazy was that he had a person he cared about. 'What happens to your empire?'

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Antonio sighs. 'I am slowly becoming legitimate. I hope to be all the way there when our move comes. I know it won't happen for years.' Alex felt satisfied that he wasn't expected to sacrifice more of his childhood now. 'Go and find Miguel, now. I must think about a few things.' Alex took this as dismissal and walked out. Still not quite registering his new reality. He had a backer. Admittedly, an illegal one with questionable sanity, but it was nice to have someone on your side. The next step? Recruiting more people. He'd have to convince Joe or Ian to tell him about hiring practices for intelligence work.

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